Tuesday, October 23, 2012

And on to The Wedding!

Of Carol and Wayne!
Of "Crapricorn Capricorn Cat"!
Of my best "La Paz how the hell are we going to survive this hot, sweaty summer" girlfriend!
To the crazy Wayne!
Oh the stories...
We'll save those for another day.
Or just look back into my La Paz and cruising life...
If that really existed.

So over the hill on Highway 17 - oh yay, another fun drive dragging a trailer...
And through the woods San Jose and the outlying conglomerous of roads, freeways, highways, interchanges and concrete beltlines.
And into the little ghost town of Brisbane.
Geesus, talk about quiet.
Empty office buildings and a quiet, but full marina.
Uh, not so quiet that night however...
Remember who the bride and groom were...
And if you don't remember, this might give you an idea of what the night entailed:

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